This was published in September 1978, an example of The Good, The Bad and The Embarassing all in one text. It was in part a reprint of “Dialectical adventures into the unknown”, originally produced in 1974, but much of it was a piece of theory of theory – a kind of critical “dialogue” with myself, critiquing this earlier text, but adding other stuff. The whole thing was imbued with unwarranted self-importance: very much the male intellectual role, swinging between arrogance and masochistic self-effacement. Far too much the Situ-A-Tion-Ist role, and at times a tendency to judge things by failing to confront the totality. There are, of course, some good bits that could be modified, adapted and applied to this very different epoch, but much of it is strictly for the archives.
To make the whole thing slightly easier to read I’ve uploaded the pages of the original “Dialectical Adventures Into The Unknown” to which some of these criticisms refer. But it’s not the easiest thing to read because it’s not at all well-organised.
Hard to read grafitti in Kilburn High Road, London:
“Wage-slaves, House-slaves, Script-slaves, image-slaves and Ideology-slaves: Suppress yourselves! – You have nothing to lose but your cages, You have a life of challenge and adventure to gain”
This was followed by the whole of “Dialectical Adventures…”, which had been out of print for sometime, interspersed with things like this:
There was also a reproduction of this poster for the February 1974 election, produced by me and some others:
Len Murray was the head of the TUC; Joe Gormley, president of the National Union of Miners; Thorpe, leader of the Liberal Party; Campbell Adamson, head of the CBI
Plus this excellent cartoon:
Re-fuse continues like this:
The above 3 pages refer to the following pages from “Dialectical Adventures…”
Re-Fuse continues like this:
These refer to the following 4 pages from “Dialectical Adventures…”:
Re-Fuse continues:
This refers to the following pages in “Dialectical Adventures…”:
“Re-fuse” continues like this:
These refer to the following pages in “Dialectical Adventures…”:
Re-fuse continues:
Graffiti on statues on outside wall of church, 1977
Mary: Hey – no-one’s falling for the self-denial, guilt-inflicting bit nowadays – Christ! – what’ll we do?
Christ: Cool it, Mary – we’ll just have to push the abstract love, universal harmony, total acceptance line – that’s all
John: Yeah – get ’em to surrender to some high-energy charismatic guru or something – ok ?
Hits as of 7/8/17: 1106
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