Egypt, Cairo: hundreds of football fans clash with cops 10/11/13
Egypt: clashes as cops end 3 week railroad blockade by striking factory workers 16/11/13
Egypt, Minya: family blocks road after conscripted son’s inexplicable death…….Beni Suef: main road blocked in protest against butane shortage 25/11/13
Egypt: iron and steel workers go on strike after week-long sit-in; company gates sealed 2/12/13
Egypt: 14th day of iron and steel workers’ strike sees escalation after strikers move to the HQ of the holding company “Our escalation will continue due to the government’s persistence in ignoring our calls while attempting to taint our strike by accusing us of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood” 10/12/13
Egypt: iron and steel strikers protest against deal signed by unrepresentative representatives as 19 day strike continues “…the workers were not satisfied … and …they want to see a copy of the official signed deal. Amr Abdel-Rashid, one of the workers not satisfied with the deal, said the workers who took part in the negotiations do not represent the strikers.” 15/12/13