Tag: cinema critique
escape from alcatraz (2005)
pdf: escape from alcatraz Introductory Notes To The Cinema (February 2005) ” It is the audience who makes the art…. What an audience! Whoever wants to look the twentieth century in the face cannot do better than stand behind the screen in a big cinema… The audience of the music hall are bright, consciously convivial, aware of…
the films of jean-luc hitchcock – the 1st 200 years (1823 – 2023)
Interpretation of movies by film reviewers, regardless of whether they’re anarchist/marxist/whateverist or merely conventional professional cineastes, make me think of the comment on “The Cadre” in the situ-influenced movie “Call It Sleep”: “The more that silence surrounds the worker and his alienation, the more the intellectual feels obliged to provide meaningful social commentaries. The intellectual…