Denmark, Copenhagen: cars etc. burnt during clashes between mainly ethnic minority locals and fascists More here ” After an anti-Muslim provocateur publicly desecrated the Quran in Copenhagen, demonstrations against him on Sunday and early Monday descended into violent clashes between protesters, who set about 70 fires in the streets, and the police, who made 23 arrests.” Video here More here “Copenhagen Police have banned right-wing demonstrations as a “threat to public safety” and established temporary double punishment zones…Copenhagen Police have confirmed that an object resembling a hand grenade was found at the Blågård Plads square in Copenhagen’s Nørrebro district“.
Dominican Republic, San Domingo: medical students clash with cops in front of Congress in protest against privatisation of exam marking…riot in popular area over persistent electricity blackouts “ the protesters… say they spend the day and night without electricity despite paying their bills “
Dominican Republic, Esperanza & Navarette: military and cop occupation of towns during local strikes and violent protests demanding promised but unfulfilled public works More here. “Several community organizations, popular and commercial began this morning a work stoppage for 24 hours demanding the Central Government carry out several works, so the police and military authorities practically occupied the town. While in the municipality of Navarrete, which joined in support of the public protest, a member of the Dominican Navy was wounded by a bullet …Most of the commercial establishments, as well as the free zone companies are closed and with dozens of police officers and military personnel in their vicinity…Among the demands made by the organizers of the strike are the termination of the health sub-center and that it be elevated to the category of regional hospital, quality and streamlining of the pipes of María Trinidad Sánchez Avenue, asphalting of the avenue and all neighborhoods… drinking water and electric power 24 hours a day, construction of sports facilities and modification of the hydrocarbons law.“
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