I have now decided to reduce these entries to the bare minimum, mainly for future reference. For social contestation related primarily to the health pass and other Covid-related demonstrations see here.
Those who wish to keep up with various news of social contestation may find this French site useful, with link in lots of different languages. On the right-hand side there’s a list of the latest bits of information. It’s an eclectic mix – much of it includes ethnic or other miserable clashes, but it also includes aspects of class struggle also. For translations I recommend Deepl.
Report on the sabotage of 5G masts
“Masts burnt, cables cut…
Reporterre publishes an exclusive map of digital infrastructure sabotage in France: 140 acts have been recorded in two years. They testify to a refusal of a digitised society and to the powerlessness of citizen mobilisations.
[1/3] This survey on acts of sabotage against telecommunication infrastructures and against the deployment of 5G is divided into three parts. Tomorrow, we will publish an interview with three saboteurs: what political meaning do they give to their action?
It is a movement that is advancing underground, far from the spotlight, a deep revolt that is spreading in France. For the past two years, acts of sabotage against telecommunication infrastructures and against the deployment of 5G have multiplied. Base stations have been set on fire, fibre optic cables have been cut, pylons have been dismantled. In the night, people burned construction equipment, attacked telephone masts with hammers or destroyed electrical cabinets with sledgehammers. Last November alone, three antennas went up in smoke in Saint-Héand in the Loire department. A few days earlier, in Toulouse, four vans belonging to a fibre-optic installation company were set on fire. In the Gard region, between Salindres and Barjac, thousands of people were left without internet access after cables were cut with an axe…”
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