Tag: Covid1984

  • july 2021 (Covid1984)

    January…February…March…April…May…June…August…2020 here This is a chronology not based on the date the information was published but based on the date  I received it. Those who accuse this site of hyperbole would have thought that even suggesting the possibility of half of what’s happening today just over a year ago was hyperbolic and paranoid. The sleep…

  • mandatory vaccination & the 1947 Nuremberg “medical ethics” Code

      Much of the following is probably pertinent more to France than to other countries. This might well be due to the fact that there seems to be marginally more skepticism amongst the French towards Covideologies than in many other countries and that France has a marginally greater history of recent resistance to the state…

  • the politics of large numbers (june 2021)

      “But what do these averages prove ? Only that one abstracts more and more from mankind, that one dismisses more and more real life…Averages are real offenses inflicted upon real, particular individuals.” – Karl Marx – 1844 Manuscripts (quote not in original) Deepl translation of the first article here From the outset, the management…

  • India: Covid and Ivermectin

    Modified 22/6/21 to include the last month’s references to India, Covid and ivermectin Much of this is Deepl translated 21/5/21: Taken from The victories of ivermictin (the whole of which is in the entry for 21/5//21 here; the complete text compares India with France,  Mexico, the Philipines, Portugal and South Africa) By mid 2020, Uttar…

  • june 2021 (Covid1984)

    January…February…March…April…May…2020 here This is a chronology not based on the date the information was published but based on the date  I received it. It should be clear that I am not  in accord with the ideological aspects of the content of many of the articles I link to. 30/6/21: Lockdown significantly reduced children’s physical and…

  • France’s Council of Order of doctors: political police?

    by Dr. Gérard Maudrux (translated from here) This is certainly not a radical critique but I publish this as yet another example of growing totalitarianism, this time within the medical world,  as an example of increased repressive actions on the part of the dominant forces of medicine in France. As Macron said, ““I think that…

  • may 2021 (Covid1984)

    January…February…March…April…2020 here This is a chronology not based on the date the information was published but based on the date  I received it. It should be clear that I am not  in accord with the ideological aspects of the content of many of the articles I link to.   29/5/21: Germany: clashes between cops and…

  • april 2021 (Covid1984)

    Chronology January…February…March…2020 here This is a chronology not based on the date the information was published but based on the date  I received it. It should be clear that I am not  in accord with the ideological aspects of the content of many of the articles I link to. 29/4/21: French article by dissident doctor…

  • march 2021 (Covid1984)

    Chronology January…February…2020 here This is a chronology not based on the date the information was published but based on the date  I received it. It should be clear that I am not  in accord with the ideological aspects of the content of many of the articles I link to. 31/3/21: Belgium – judge orders lifting…

  • Better to be sorry than safe … vaccination and its discontents

    …“deus ex vaccina” and other texts on the vaccination programme… published February 16th 2021 Followed by a chronology of information and opinions on vaccination after this date Big Pharma wants YOU! “If science was put to the service of capital, the recalcitrant worker’s docility would be assured” — Andrew Ure, Philosophie des Manufactures, 1835  “It…