a chronology of contestation against cops, the crazy Coronavirus crisis and other clashes with capital in multiple forms of expression
This replaces what was previously called NEWS or News of Opposition for the period 2013 up until the present.
(information about Hong Kong before 24th March and after 24th June 2020 is here. From 24th March to 24th June it’s in the months listed above)
“Reading the morning newspaper is the realist’s morning prayer. One orients one’s attitude toward the world either by God or by what the world is. The former gives as much security as the latter, in that one knows how one stands. ”
– Hegel
The insufficiency of putting up something like this is obvious. The enormity of the attack by this anti-social society demands something better than this. Even in the very limited terms of writing something on the internet, this is clearly not enough.
See also Covid1984 for the latest information about the unprecedented attacks on social life under the pretext of a health crisis
“The aim of terror, and of its implementation, is to extort from human beings a total adaptation to its very principle, so that they recognize at the very end only one goal: self-preservation. The more, and unscrupulously, humans have in mind their survival, the more they become psychological puppets of a system whose sole objective is to stay in power.
– Leo Löwenthal, 1946
“What is everywhere repressed in this society is history: one’s own, with others, that of the whole, and above all, the mediations among the three.”

And this should be made very clear: the fact that throughout the world people, in a variety of different ways, at times seem to be increasingly fighting back against the powers-that-be, does not mean in any way that we should be simplistically optimistic. Some of this optimistic sense has been here before – e.g. in the post-1968 world, or before that in the world of 1917 and after. However, the current situation is rife with a terrible pessimism. Hopefully some of what’s written here will contribute to a more developed social opposition than clashes provoked by the cops because the state has deemed virtually all social life such as parties a danger to health under the pretext of Covid-1984.
Pessimistic determinism replaces optimistic determinism, but both virtually see history from some external God-like point of view. Determinism either way is a total waste of time and thought. Pessimism in the face of increasing totalitarianism is useless and self-fulfilling, whilst optimism suppresses critique of the contradictions in struggle, ignoring the limitations and weaknesses for fear of being put down as a negativist. It’s always a question of what risks people are prepared to take so as to contribute to furthering and clarifying these very different struggles, and helping the world advance towards a genuinely liberatory future.
Sysyphus: both an individual and collective project – inseparably
I hope people reading this will also add more insights into these events, and also provide interesting information that is not included here.
8 compilation videos, about events in November & December 2013, and January, February, March, April, May and June 2014 – loosely based on some of the information on this site, are available here:
They were put together by a friend totally independently of me and are taken from mainly mainstream media sources. He shows them at a get-together with a meal as a catalyst for discussion, called “Food for thought”. They are also included on this page at the beginning of each relevant month.
Also note:
The updates on these events can sometimes include things that have happened a week or even several weeks ago that I missed, so it might be worthwhile for those interested, to scroll down to check out if there’s anything new.
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
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